Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Conservative Minded Liberal Blacks

Recently I was at a family gathering and the topic of politics arose. I knew that the majority of my family were mostly Obama supporters, so I would not start a conversation on the issues knowing that the minds of most blacks are already programmed to always say, "Obama is the greatest", no matter what bad decision he makes. However, in this conversation, I was greatly stunned as they began to speak about illegal immigration. As I began to speak with them regarding this issue, I found that all of my family members who were speaking on this subject held the same views that I held. More than that, they agreed with my views concerning capitalism and for the most part same-sex marriage.

The only difference we held is that I consider myself a conservative and they believe that blacks should vote democrat. They however, do not consider themselves liberals. They don't want our borders open to illegal aliens, nor do they believe that there should be amnesty given to those who break our immigration laws. Oh and guns, they all have them and hold dear to their right to possess them. I was baffled. The vast number of blacks who voted for Obama, voted for him because they wanted to see a view of themselves in the Oval Office. But if they had to consider the policies and ideologies that Obama holds to, one would find a great divide. If they would consider the Christian views that many have been raised on they would find themselve at odd with Obama.
Why in a time when blacks have so many opportunities would they sucumb to a policy of liberalism and socialism? Many blacks enjoy the opportunities to live comfortably, to make as much money as their talents will provide, to share in building prosperous furtures for their children, and many are people of great faith. I do mean real faith, not the Obama, political brand. Many believe in having strong loving families. So why would any of them join sides with a man who would fund the very agency that would destroy our black babies? It's simple. The average black person on main street does not have a clue about the ideologies of liberalism verses conservatism. They see an allegience to the leaders within the black community that has given them over to the Democratic Party as political pawns.
I would like to challenge any black person to think about what it is they believe in regards to the best political path for our country. Can government best meet our needs, or should we all use the skills and talents that God has given us to contribute to the good of our society? Is it okay, to kill our babies are should we as a people desire to build a more vibrant future for future black babies. Obama's mother did not abort him, when she was a young teenager, with no husband. So why should he believe that anyone else should? Do blacks really believe as a whole that capitalism is a bad thing? I know many very sucessful black people who have succeeded in our capitalist economy.
Will blacks ever develop their own ability to weigh the pros and cons, to decide for themselves what is truly best for them, or will they continue to allow themselves to be fed to the wolves by the likes of Obama, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton? You decide and I hope that you will decide that conservatism has a place for you as well. You may find much in common with the principles of conservativism.


  1. Blacks have been programmed since around the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to think that Republicans are racist even though it was Republicans that passed this bill while Democrats were the staunchest detractors and nay voters. Democrats have been the leaders of racism, Bull Connor hosing civil rights marchers, FDR stated that "he would never take a picture with a negro", George Wallace standing in the school house door at the University of Alabama. All of these men were Democrats and racist. But somewhere somehow Black people have been convinced that the Republican party is racist and only looking out for the rich white men.

  2. Well they definitely have a talent for deceiving people, making people believe what is totally false. They did it again with Obama, put the face of a black person in front of a black person and in most cases their instinct is to pull the lever in their favor. So sad, but there is hope as we continue to pound the internet with our conservative views. Keep it up.

  3. This has to be the most frustrating topic going. I cannot tell you how many blacks I meet who share my conservative values, act like voting Republican is the strangest concept rolling. Even within my extended family, they just automatically do the D-thing though not a single one of them would call themselves liberal or progressive.

    I have a very good friend in NJ, who sounds like your typical white southern Republican when he talks about politics. He cannot stand all the spending, the high taxes and social moral decay. But when I suggest he stop kidding himself and vote Republican he recoils.

    Sometimes I think the only way we can get them off the Kool Aid is to shame them off it.

  4. Good article, Mary. I agree with Clifton that this subject is incredibly frustrating. I want so much to expose the lies of liberalism and the hypocrisy so many people engage in by voting for certain people out of some perceived obligation. As Mary said, many don't have a clue. I pray that God will use each of us to influence many who will influence many who will influence many. People of faith in particular must come to grips with what is going on and make a change.

  5. Clifton,

    Shame is own the way. As I was making breakfast this morning, I was led to some very interesting thought provoking concepts. But you are so correct the will not stop until the are totally embarrassed and that is why our eyes have been allowed to be opened and we can see the lies and deceit. We must keep hitting them with the truth. Because as the Word says, the truth will set them free.

  6. Mary, I love details. What are some of the thought provoking concepts you received while cooking those grits this morning?!! Do share, my sister!

  7. Hey Adrienne, I see you have read my thoughts from my latest blog. You have not wrote anything lately. I was going to say, that I have not seen you write anything lately, but I see today, you do have something available. I am going to check out what you had to say.

  8. Hi Mary, actually I've been writing quite a bit. I wrote on Sunday and then again yesterday (Tuesday). Hope you enjoy.

  9. Finally took the time to check out your blog. Thanks so much for your prospective. It's important that people know that Democrats do not have the minorities best interests at heart. The idea that generations of the same families on welfare are being helped by the Democrats is repulsive. The liberals have tried and are succeeding in dumbing down our schools and keeping people dependent on social programs only so they can keep a class and racial war going to expand their voting block. The immigrants are a target for votes. This should be so obvious,because the liberals come right out and say so at every chance they get.People who want something that is good for them right or wrong are going to the hand that reaches out first. The conservatives know this but do not pander for votes,they tell the truth,and promise the rights we are given by our Constitution.

    I'm so glad that others see this and are trying to enlighten those who are victims of a time past. Power to the people means all of us and the Federal government needs a good house cleaning..
    great blog. I'll check back from time to time,see ya around TS too!

  10. Mary,

    You said, "Many blacks enjoy the opportunities to live comfortably, to make as much money as their talents will provide, to share in building prosperous furtures for their children, and many are people of great faith. I do mean real faith, not the Obama, political brand. Many believe in having strong loving families. So why would any of them join sides with a man who would fund the very agency that would destroy our black babies? It's simple. The average black person on main street does not have a clue about the ideologies of liberalism verses conservatism".

    I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. I also believe it goes a little deeper than this. I believe the Church in America plays a major role in forming and shaping opinion in how politics are viewed from a Biblical perspective. I have a blog of my own. You can find it at www.watchmanscorner.com. To support your view further I have developed a three part series http://watchmanscorner.com/2010/04/15/
    that explains why I think issues in the country goes a little deeper than the post you have here.

    I would love to hear your opinion on the series and would enjoy a discussion of the issues and possible solutions that can be implemented.
