Today as I was driving to pick up my hubby from work, I was listening to Sean Hannity's radio show, and was surprised to hear yet another banishment of candidates within the Tea Party movement or the Tea Party itself. Sean inferred in one of his comments that the Tea Party Movement is becoming a problem for the Republican Party. Recently the anchors of various other Fox News shows have attempted to impact political races across the country, where a Tea Party candidate is going against the establishment incumbent. It appears to me that Fox News is walking in very dangerous territory. But maybe not. Maybe it is we who have sent Fox News the wrong message. All of a sudden Fox News is fearful of the Tea Party Movement and somehow believes it is their role to inform the people how they should be voting.
Media in politics is not a bad thing, we garner great information from these news sources, but that is all they are suppose to be; news sources. They do not vet candidates, or control the campaigns of candidates. There is however, reason for Fox News and the establishment (they seem to be wanting to protect), to fear. Many of the candidates within the Tea Party movement hold to the principles of the Constitution and its focus on States Rights. In a panel discussion on our Conservative Moms Blog Talk radio show on February 4th we talked about what America would look like as a Constitutionally governed nation. As I heard many of the opinions and ideas that came forth, I realized why Fox News, the Republican Party, the Democratic Party and other establishment groups would want to do away with the Tea Party movement and their candidates.
This movement consist of ordinary everyday citizens who see that the current political process has failed us. Those who support the ideologies of the Tea Party movement are those who desire to return to a government, by the people, of the people and for the people. Within this movement the people select candidates they believe fit their values, they research them and vet them and then provide support in building up their campaigns. It appears from what I have noticed that somehow the GOP just may be becoming just a little bit irriated with the success of the Tea Party movement. They are becoming like little flies that won't go away.
The Tea Party movement actually has a life of its own and could very well succeed without the GOP. They could provide the American people with candidates who can bring America back to the principles of the founding fathers. They can provide us with candidates who understand the Constitution and state sovereignty and provide us with the means of becoming the republic America was designed to become. I am a member of various tea party groups in the Houston area and I am impressed with the work they have accomplished and the grassroots success they have been able to experience. However, Tea Party members must realize that their goals actually threaten the existence of the big money party machines.
There is a reason that Fox News is beginning to turn on the Tea Party movement and have attempted to scold the Tea Parties instead of get behind them. Those within the Tea Party movement believe in citizen leadership. They are not looking for polished politicans but candidates who will be true to our constitution and principles as conservative leaders. Tea Party members also are not looking at party affiliation, which means that they could eventually consume many voters from both parties, which constitutes another danger to both the Democrat and Republican Party. So when the Tea Parties can not be bullied to fold under the GOP the next move is to attack them.
I hope that leaders within the Tea Party movement remain strong and focused. That they will continue their successful strategy of raising up grassroots candidates who know and understand the Constitution and the role it plays in government. Tomorrow begins early voting for the primaries and I am fully backing a real Tea Party candidate who has received the stamp of approval as a real threat to the establishment. I thought that we had learned from Sarah Palins bid for the Vice Presidency what happens when a candidate who is dangerous comes on the scene. The first sign of a threat is attack and sabatoge. Seeing this happen to Debra Medina has provided solid confidence that she is the candidate to get behind. When the establishment media and GOP attacks a candidate voters should be able to discern that this candidate is a threat and usually the candidate to vote for.
Debra Medina holds all the characteristics that we need in Texas. The Declaration of Independence provides that if we find that our government has become obscured with abuse and corruption that we as the people who establish our government have the right to elect a new one. In order to know when our government becomes corrupt and abusive we can not have our heads in the sand believing that our government is perfect. Our government is run by sinful men and women who do sinful things. Which means that those who run our government are capable of doing any evil thing that may exist. I believe that there are many unanswered questions about 9/11 and just in my calculation of the events that unfolded, some things just do not sit right. We were all left with inconclusive facts about 9/11, some we can not know others have been lost and compromised.
Our candidates must be voted on because of their campaign platform and how it will impact our lives, not by which tv celebrity endorses them. This is why America sits at the verge of being destroyed. As I look at Debra's platform I have concluded that her principles best fit my values as a Christian Conservative. I am surprised at how fast one Christian can turn against another when it comes to politics. Rick Perry has provided no Conservative policies within his tenure as Governor. He mostly give great conservative campaign messages. The roads and highways in Texas are terrible and need major repair. Interstate 10 that runs through Texas has been in construction in one stretch of the highway for 14 years. That does not make any sense to me. Rick Perry signed a Partial Birth abortion bill that allows late term abortion beyond the 7th month of pregnancy, this to me does not reflect a pro-life conservative candidate, when it was in his powers to ban the procedures all together. I can not in good conscience vote for he or Kay.
He is deceptively saying that the Texas Corridor is dead and it is not. Governor Perry embraces socialist big government spending. He is not a grassroots conservative candidate as a governor, but he is as a campaigner. I have looked at the evidence of his job performance and do not see a person that deserves my vote. When I make my choice at the ballot box, that choice will not only impact me, but my fellow Texas citizens. I must use the voting rights I have obtain to ensure a better quality of life not just for me and my family, but for all Texans. I will not allow Fox News to determine who I will vote for, I have the Scriptures that gives me the wisdom and discernment to make the right choice.
I am thankful for the hard work and dedication of so many leaders and organizations within the Tea Party movement that have allowed those with Conservative principles to have a better choice in candidates. We must continue to capitalize on the success made by the Tea Party movement and just say no to the GOP and Fox News, because America deserves better.
Sunday shows talked about January 6th Inquisition said nothing about
assassination attempt on Justice Kavanaugh
*T*his is yet another example of the corruption of the mainstream media.
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